
ABDG’s Frank Lever Elected to the National Guard Association of the United States Corporate Advisory Panel

American Business Development Group (ABDG) is proud to announce that Frank Lever, Senior Consultant at ABDG has been elected to serve on the National Guard Association of the United States Corporate Advisory Panel (CAP) for a three year term. ABDG has been a part of the CAP since its beginning providing a voice on industry interaction with the National Guard Association of the United States. The goal of the NGAUS CAP is to foster NGAUS and Industry relationships, supporting the mutual goal of enhancing and promoting the modernization and readiness of the National Guard.

Command Sergeant Major (Retired) Lever served in the National Guard for over 36 years culminating in his assignment as the Command Sergeant Major of the Army National Guard.  Since his retirement CSM (Ret) Lever has continued supporting the men and women of the National Guard through his work in helping industry bring modernized equipment to the National Guard.

Jim LeNoir, Vice President for Defense and Homeland Security at ABDG commented, “We are extremely proud of Frank’s election to the CAP and look forward to his contributions to the CAP.”

ABDG’s expertise lies in the Defense, National Guard and Homeland Security markets. For more information on how we can assist your organization within these markets please call our office at (703) 824-0300 or visit the Contact Us page at

As an internationally respected, full-spectrum business development consulting firm, ABDG enjoys a reputation as one of the largest and most successful business development firms in the United States.  Headquartered in Vienna, Virginia, ABDG specializes in the re-equipping and modernization of the U.S. Military and Homeland Security Organizations.